Meet Lesley and hear how LIFT has touched her life!

February 19, 2020

Lesley came to our 2019 LIFT event and she has become a dear soul sister since then. I have had the privilege of watching her grow; she is such a big encouragement for women to live inspired, fearless and thriving lives. She is living out the LIFT core values – embracing other women she has met through LIFT as well.

Read her story below… and join the LIFT community!

How did you hear about LIFT?

I went skiing with a couple of friends and one of the girls mentioned being a panelist at an event the following week and was talking about what she was going to say – and she encouraged me to come. I thought to myself that sounds cool, but probably not for me.

And then what happened? What LIFT events have you participated in?

I ended up attending that LIFT event February 2019. It was a weekday after work, I was tired and I tried making excuses on why I couldn’t go, but apparently my excuses weren’t good enough not to go. I was truly inspired at the event by all of these strong, amazing women, where they had been and where their journey was taking them. I was so inspired that I checked all of the boxes on the comment card wanting to sign up for all of the book clubs, a meet and greet with the panelists for coffee, etc.

I attended a book discussion group later that spring. It was one of Brene Brown’s books and I already thought she was awesome so I was sold! A few days before the first book discussion, I started to get anxious. I didn’t know anybody who signed up and was wondering if I would have anything in common with anyone or if I should even go. I’m glad I stepped up and got out of my comfort zone because attending that book discussion changed my life in what seemed like a small way, but that decision has actually made huge shifts for me in my life overall. By the time the book discussion group ended, I had made friendships with some amazing women that have hobbies and souls that emulate mine.

When the book discussion was over, I attended summer patio discussions, one of which I hosted. I met more women with similar interests and some of those acquaintances evolved into friendships. Into the fall I attended a small group event where we explored the question “Who Is GOD?” Leaning into a group of women who weren’t quite strangers, but not quite apart of my tribe, and connecting with each other through God, who He is, and how we can come closer to Him, left me awestruck.

I have continued to attend small groups through LIFT and I have made friends who I connect with on so many levels – and that fills my cup.  

How has LIFT helped you live inspired, fearless and thriving?

LIFT has helped me to realize that being myself, just the way I am, is truly beautiful. And while I might not be for everyone, being my true self will be accepted by the right people that come into my life. LIFT has helped me realize that you have to take chances in order to grow, push your boundaries and comfort zone to develop into the person you are meant to be.

How would you describe your life stage/season/well-being before LIFT?

I feel like I was a little lost. While I had been living in Boise for almost three years and had made friendships along the way, I didn’t have that community that I had in previous stages in life. LIFT has given me a community of women that I am comfortable and can be vulnerable with. If I need someone, I know I can count on the women I have met through LIFT.

Have you seen any changes in your life since your encounters with LIFT and the other women?

I think last year was a monumental year for self-growth for me, I feel like a lot of that growth was through LIFT, in addition to things I did on my own. Looking back, if I wouldn’t have gone to that LIFT event in the midst of a cold week in February, I’d wonder, where would I be? I know that I wouldn’t have some pretty incredible women in my life like I do now – women who are in my corner, a part of my tribe and have been there along for the ride watching me grow.  To know that being human is normal and that other women can relate to me, and connecting spiritually, emotionally or from being outside in nature – skiing down a mountain, summiting another peak, or camping under the stars – is pretty incredible.

Would you recommend LIFT to someone and why?

ABSOLUTELY! I have seen LIFT bring so many women together from ALL stages and seasons of life and enrich their lives in one way or another. LIFT doesn’t serve each women the same, but each woman I have met who has been involved in LIFT was been fulfilled in one way or another.

*If you’d like to get involved with LIFT or join in on one of our events or discussion groups, connect with us through our FB group or follow us on Instagram at @liftevent. We’d love to meet you and have you join in!

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