Announcing the LIFT GROWING HAPPYness Event! Registration is Open!

Join us for an evening to gather with ALL women of ALL ages to get our HAPPY on!

What do you think of when you think of happiness?
- The Happy song by Pharrell Williams ? (I dare you to not sing it!)
- A puppy?
- A baby’s laughter?
- Your friend’s most embarrassing moment? (don’t laugh too hard!)
- A sunrise or sunset?

I’m thinking that we each have different things and people that make us happy. I’m also thinking that there are things and people that make us UNhappy!
I’ve been thinking a lot about this idea of happiness.
Our LIFT team is creating some fun and uplifting ideas for this event. If you have ideas, we would love to hear! You can respond to this email!

There are so many questions and thoughts rolling around in my head!
Will you do me a favor and take this quick survey? It’s totally anonymous and it will be so helpful to see what YOU are thinking!
I am looking forward to being together—that’s definitely one thing that makes ME happy!
Pam Strain, LIFT Director