We are GROWING HAPPYness–LIFT Event Recap

We shared such a beautiful evening together. These ladies that were on stage were FANTASTIC!
Left to right–
Jannica emceed for her first time ever and she is a natural! She wove the evening together beautifully.
Bonnie share her story about how her journey with happiness has looked and felt differently in the past 5 years including a journey with cancer.
Avery was so brave and courageous as she shared her journey to, through and from alcohol and how she has found herself in a bigger and happier space!
Pam had such an amazing time getting to interview these beautiful souls and speaking a blessing over the crowd at the end.
Amy, had us all captivated as she authentically shared how she has found happiness in surrendering her life and loosening her grip on perfectionism. I’m pretty sure the drive through at Dutch Bros has had some new guests to receive a cup of happiness from Amy!
Genny inspired us to “go” and try something new, including running stop signs and not letting the alligators stop us!

Per usual, the LIFT team came through with organizing and executing a perfect evening.

A welcoming hospitality team, efficient registration team, happy decor and yummy food!

Most important are the wonderful women who came out to spend the evening TOGETHER!

If you were unable to join us and would like a link to see a recording of the evening, let Pam know at [email protected]!