We have LIFT! And a new place to gather…

I would rather be practicing social UNdistancing, truth be told! How about you? What is surfacing in you as you spend days upon days in this Covid19 Quarantine?
Even though I’d rather be sitting across from you over a cup of coffee, I am grateful that we have been connecting through virtual discussions.

I am hearing that many of us are wrestling with feeling like our lives have come to a standstill. We are having something imposed upon us–a forced sabbatical; rest. Honestly, it doesn’t feel very good to me. I value relationships and face to face connection. It’s hard for me to sit still….it makes me feel like I don’t have a purpose. All my fears, worries and anxieties are quick to surface.
At the same time, it has been SO GOOD for me. I have been able to sort through what is ESSENTIAL for me to have as part of my life. One of these necessities is the LIFT community!
I am thrilled to announce that I was able, with the expertise of my friend, Lexi, to get a fresh, new LIFT website launched.

Now, more than ever, we need to stay connected and cheer each other on. It is my desire that we can direct more and more women to LIFT, not only locally in Idaho but all across the country.
Take a minute and check it out:
- Go to the Home page and read what LIFT’s purpose is.
- See what kind of happenings we offer on our Events page.
- Then hop on over to Contact Us page and make sure you are linked to all of our avenues of staying in touch.
- Go to our Photos page and see our rich and vibrant history!
One thing that is being reinforced to me is that I am not designed to live life alone. I have been so grateful for the ongoing connections during this strange time that have kept my head lifted above the waves. Friends who have encouraged me, prayed for me, cheered me on, lent me a hand to keep me from going under.
And that is the heart of LIFT. You were meant for an inspired, fearless, thriving life. And you were meant to live in community.
When we are who we are called to be, we will set the world ablaze.
St Catherine of Siena
Stay tuned for what’s ahead! We have some fun things in the works for you!
Looking forward to connecting with you soon!
Pam Strain