Save the Date and A Sneak Peek of Good Things Ahead!
LIFT Event is scheduled for April 25, 2024! We can’t wait!!!
Do the winter blues have you feeling a little down and out? Are you feeling disillusioned, disconnected or “bleh”?
As you read this, we are dreaming and talking and scheming for our 2024 LIFT event. In fact, as I type, the sun is shining! Hurray!
We will be taking a closer look at living a “thriving, abundant, happy” life? Do you believe it’s possible? We do!
We are filling in all the details, but one thing is for certain…we want YOU there!
Would consider filling out this quick and easy survey so we can plan with YOU in mind? (It’s anonymous!)
As I, Pam, was thinking about whether we should have a LIFT event this year, I was surprised to see that my friend Lesley, had posted an interview with me on her recently launched podcast, Kindred Journey. After listening, (it was recorded before Christmas) I was struck with the feeling of awe and amazement of what LIFT has grown into. I was reminded why we created LIFT!
The ripple effect has been so encouraging with Lesley being one of many women whose lives have been touched.
Let’s continue the ripple effect by encouraging others to live a fearless and thriving life!
Who can you invite to join the LIFT community?
Our desire is to welcome all women and encourage them to live inspired, fearless, and thriving lives.
If you aren’t already doing so, follow us on Instagram @liftevent or Facebook @liftedhigher.
We can’t wait to hear from you! We would GREATLY APPRECIATE you taking this survey!
You are so loved,
Pam and the LIFT leadership team