When Women are Brave

January 9, 2017

We sat there, laughing and nodding as we shared stories and experiences around the long restaurant table. We started out with generalities and small talk, but quickly, our voices turned to the meaningful and significant. And before dinner was even served, we were leaning in close and talking about challenges we’ve faced as writers and women, failures and successes, and issues we grapple with.

A few of us knew each other from writing meetings, but our gathering was mostly made up of new names and faces.

Still, there was that connection.

So as we ate (and long after, actually) we talked and encouraged and supported and laughed.

We took interest in each other’s projects.

We listened to each other’s ideas.

We rallied around each other’s causes.

And as the night passed over minutes and hours, the connection deepened. Because that’s what happens when women are brave—when they say yes to things like showing up to dinner with people they don’t really know.

That’s what happens when women are open about their lives and experiences (failures included) and are willing to be real and reachable.

That’s what happens when women intentionally step out of their routines and inner circles to touch and be touched by the lives of others.

That’s what happens when women gather in community.

I know, I know; we’re busy.

It can be easy to get caught up in our schedules, and we have a lot on our plates.

We don’t have a minute to spare.

Or do we?

(I remember feeling busy that night too, and I almost didn’t go. But think about what I would’ve missed. We can’t afford NOT to spare that minute, or that hour, or that day…)

What would happen if you bravely said yes to something you might normally say no this year? It might be as simple as going to dinner with new friends!

How would your life change if you created more time for community?

If I had to guess, I’d say friendships would be strengthened (and you’d be strengthened too). People would be inspired (sharing in other people’s passions and talents is contagious!). And happiness would be found (there’s something powerful about coming alongside other women and being real).

It’s our hope that you’ll find all of that if you come to LIFT: friendships, inspiration, and fun. So be brave! Invite someone you’ve known forever, or someone you just met, and join us right here in the Treasure Valley on January 25th. We’ll bring the dessert! :))

**LIFT is a gathering of women to help you Live: Inspired, Fearless, and Thriving. Our events are designed to help women discover their true identity and purpose, and then live that out with passion. The heart behind LIFT is to bring women together in community. At each of our events, Pam Strain, Kirsten Holmberg and Genny Heikka share three inspiring talks on topics women care passionately about. 

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