Save the Date–April 20–Fearless and Full LIFT Event!!!
You’re invited! Join us on April 20th and be inspired to live your life Fearless & Full!
Fear is something we all experience…
and we are experiencing it on many levels, especially lately.
Fear of not having what it takes
Fear of not being enough
Fear of not being liked
Fear of losing a job
Fear for our future
Fear of that nasty C(ovid) word
Fear of the polarization and hatred amongst us
Fear of broken relationships
Fear of ____________(fill in the blank)
Let’s drive out fear and live full and thriving lives instead!
I hope you can join us on April 20th to hear from
real people
sharing real stories
encouraging us to know how loved we are
so that we can drive out fear
and live a full life!
Registration details coming soon!
You are so loved,
Pam Strain, LIFT Director